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Grief and the holidays

From the Director

Fall/Winter 2016

During this time of year we tend to reflect on the passing year, sometimes with pleasant thoughts and memories and sometimes with heavy hearts, as we remember our loved ones who have died. The holidays can be an especially difficult time of year for the children and families of Mary’s Place. Many will experience their first holiday this year without their loved one. Although we cannot take away the pain someone is experiencing after a significant loss, we all have the power to do one simple thing; we can reach out to that person and show them we care. This is something that happens during every group at Mary’s Place, from the smallest child, to the most fragile participant. No matter the pain each person is in, the remarkable way in which they reach out to comfort and companion one another is truly amazing. Over the past six months I have been privileged to witness the healing that happens through the connections made here, which I would certainly describe as powerful. The power of human connection and love is so great. If we can share a kind word, a hug or a listening ear, with those we know who have experienced a loss, we can say that we have truly made a difference, even if for a moment. I am hopeful that you will all share the beautiful and special gift of yourself this holiday season.

I would like to thank you, the supporters of Mary’s Place, whether you are a volunteer, participant, or contributor, for the gifts you have given, which make what we do here possible. Thank you for allowing us to provide a place of comfort and support for the many children and families who come to us.

On behalf of myself, the staff and Board of Directors at Mary’s Place, we wish you and your families good health, happiness and the most blessed of holidays.


Brittany Sheehan

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